Simplifying – Lessons from my Mother-in-Law and Gloria Steinem
Gloria: A Life
I started simplifying my wardrobe and my possessions last year…and I recognize that is just the first pass at what I need to get to the essence of in 2019. I want to explore the theme of simplification in my coaching, my writing, my spending, what I put into my body and most importantly how I spend my time.
I have been thinking a lot about something my 89-year-old mother-in-law said recently. She was lamenting how she doesn’t have much energy anymore and it bothers her. But at the same time, she recognizes that this limitation helps her to focus on life’s essentials. She said that she doesn’t get distracted by what’s not important anymore. She is inspiring me with my quest. I plan to ask her what the essentials are for her now. Stayed tuned.
Last week I was lucky enough to see Gloria: A Life with the added bonus that Gloria Steinem herself showed up at the end for a talking circle with the audience. What struck me was the simplicity of her answers to a number of rather complex questions. For instance, someone asked about the tensions in the Women’s March and wanted her analysis of the forces at play. She replied that people should get out and march, and which march they chose was less important. Period.
As I prepare to facilitate an offsite later this week, I am planning to incorporate the guidelines that we were given for Gloria’s talking circle.
· Lead with love
· Low ego
· High impact
· Move at the speed of trust.
Simple but not simplistic, and not easy to achieve.
I have the opportunity to embrace this life lesson about simplification that wise elders are offering to me, right now. I’m definitely going to spend some time reflecting on what is essential in my life - a very sound 2019 intention.