Dive into the world of DiSC and learn more about what ABstrategies can offer you.

AB strategies uses a few key assessments in its work with companies and nonprofits. Their power, validity and ability to provide insights for coaching, team building and learning conversations.

DiSC is at the center. DiSC is a simple yet powerful model made up of four basic styles. There is no perfect DiSC style. Since each person has a unique behavioral profile, we help you to harness the value of these differences to build better workplace communication and healthier organizations.

After Myers Briggs, DiSC is the most frequently used assessment tool. In our opinion, DiSC is simpler to understand than Myers Briggs, and it has over 40 years of research, validity and analysis built into it


  • Provides a common language to help teams understand one another and work better together

  • Acts as a springboard for conversation and team building

  • Improves employee and workplace communication

  • Helps you to understand people who aren’t like you... or are too much like you

  • Reduces conflict and avoids misunderstandings

Workplace DiSC can be used with everyone in an organization. We use it extensively: on its own and integrated into specialized assessments focused on leadership, productive conflict, sales and more.

We use the Hogan Leadership Forecast Series for specific situations such as executive promotions and longer-term executive coaching engagements.

The 360 is a commonly used assessment to gather perceptions about a leader’s style and effectiveness from peers, managers and direct reports. We like to undertake a 360 at the beginning of a coaching engagement. In-person interviews are sometimes used but can be expensive. We frequently use the Leadership Circle Profile, a cost-effective online tool that delivers clear cut insights into leadership strengths and development opportunities.

Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team is much more than an assessment. It’s a deep dive program for teams motivated and committed to excelling together to drive results. It also integrates DiSC though the focus is squarely on the team, rather than the individuals.

AB strategies is an authorized partner for DiSC products. That means we are your go-to partner to learn about and use the full set of DiSC-based assessments and the Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team program. We are passionate about these tools and their value. We would love the opportunity to continue this conversation with you.