Antonia has done a fantastic job with her ADHD Success Planner by offering ADHDers flexible structures they can build one piece at a time without getting overwhelmed. As an executive coach, Antonia knows that without planning, we aren’t caring for ourselves very well either.
— Barbara Luther, Director of Training, ADD Coach Academy

Looking at planning my weeks and days as self-care is huge! Everybody has their own “way” of using Antonia’s tools and that proves it’s adaptable.
— Beta Tester

This motivating book filled with insightful, practical solutions for planning is a must read for any adult with ADHD who is struggling with planning. It’s brilliant!
— Russ Jones, ADHD Big Brother Community & Podcast Host

I would absolutely recommend this book to friends. It’s the perfect, quick solution to planning struggles. It’s an ADHD necessity.
— Beta Tester

The Author

Antonia Bowring is a highly credentialed, top New York executive coach. Her articles are widely read and The American Reporter named her one of the 10 leadership coaches to watch in 2022. Her first book, Coach Yourself: Increase Awareness and Thrive, was published by Wiley & Sons in 2023. An outcome of writing Coach Yourself was incredible interest in her ADHD journey and her coaching of neurodiverse leaders. Antonia is enthusiastic about spreading the message that a diagnosis of ADHD is both a profound and practical journey. She also is passionate about her family, her work and endurance fitness.

More about Antonia…